Teacher Management in Improving Professionalism in Madrasah Diniyah Ulya Al Amiriyyah Mekar Agung Madiun
1Muchamad Jauhar Ansori, 2Riscka Ayu Wardani, 3Muhammad Thoyib, 4Sugiyar, 5Peni Latifa
1,2,3,4,5IAIN Ponorogo

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Education is the key to achieving progress and development of the nation. To achieve quality education, support from various factors is needed. However, one of the most important factors affecting the quality of education is the quality of the teaching staff. Departing from this, the management of teaching staff plays an important role in increasing teacher professionalism in an educational institution. This study aims to describe and analyze: (1) Planning for teaching staff to increase professionalism; (2) Procurement (recruitment) for teaching staff to increase professionalism; (3) Guidance and development of teaching staff to increase professionalism at Madrasah Diniyah Ulya Al Amiriyyah Mekar Agung. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative case study approach with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the management of teaching staff in improving professionalism at Madrasah Diniyah Ulya Al Amiriyyah Mekar Agung Madiun is: (1) In planning teaching staff, madrasah evaluate and analyze the needs of teaching staff at the end of each semester. (2) With regard to the recruitment of teaching staff, the steps taken by madrasah are: determining the need for teaching staff, conducting a needs analysis to determine the number and type of teaching staff needed, announcement of vacancies openly and transparently, administrative selection by selecting based on qualifications (3) The steps taken by Madrasah in coaching and developing teaching staff in increasing professionalism in Madrasah Diniyah Ulya Al Amiriyyah Mekar Agung are: training and developing teaching staff through workshops, seminars, or other professional development programs, providing motivation and encouragement by giving recognition and appreciation to staff educators who have achieved achievements, provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, and form evaluations and feedback.


Management, Educators, Professionalism, Madrasah.

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